Mayors Wellness Campaign

The Mayor’s Wellness Campaign (MWC) was created to develop and implement active-living initiatives in the community. The ultimate goal of the MWC is to improve health and the quality of life, while reducing the health care costs that are associated with a sedentary lifestyle. In support of this initiative, the Township will offer a series of public events. These events will include community hikes, educational workshops and nutritionally – oriented community breakfasts. Please accept Mayor Hayes’ challenge to work cooperatively with the Mayor’s Wellness Campaign to incorporate active living initiatives and wellness options into a healthier lifestyle. These scheduled events and programs will be posted below under News as they are announced. Also listed below are Links to established and nationally recognized active living and nutritional websites, as well as Sponsors of the Mayor’s Wellness Campaign. Finally and most importantly, consider the opportunity to review and commit to the Mayor’s Wellness Campaign Pledge. Explore community wellness through nutritional balance and an active lifestyle.

Across New Jersey, there has been noted a documented trend in the increase in health conditions related to poor nutrition and sedentary lifestyle. Some of these conditions include but are not limited to high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. The concern is particularly acute in children. Recent studies link childhood obesity to a disturbing predication: the current generation of children in the United States may have shorter life expectancies than their parents. A lack of active living, healthy eating, and overall wellness in the community may be the reason for this increase in obesity-related conditions.